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The Biggest Contribution Of Augustinian Theology To Humanity

The Biggest Contribution Of Augustinian Theology To Humanity. The Augustinian ethic is one of the four major strands of traditional Catholic theological thought. According to this school, salvation is ultimately a matter of free will and the choices that people make. Faith, although it has many components, is also believed to be completely unbound and unalterable. It does not depend on what other people think and it does not require obedience to any set of rules.

A number of problems exist for those who subscribe to this school of thought. Firstly, it denies the possibility of grace-the saving grace that is offered by Christ at the point of salvation. This view also holds to a materialist view of religion, holding that there is no such thing as a God. God is nothing more than an abstract concept. To the Auginians, God is invisible and above all else, he exists only in the mind and will of men.

The main problem with this type of Biblical belief was the suspension of intellectual and moral responsibility. People were held to be guilty of their own actions simply because these actions happened in God's time and place and according to the pattern laid out in the Genesis. Being bound by such strict rules does not allow anyone to feel guilt free. It also makes it impossible to understand why one should have faith in the first place. Faith is something that one develops over time by making personal choices and extending the concept of God.

Another major departure from the Catholic understanding of faith is the idea that salvation is a gift from God. People are saved by Christ's presence, but this doesn't entitle them to unearned grace. They must earn this “gift,” and this is seen as a struggle. In other words, God wants to save you but you have to help yourself. Some Augustinian Theology teachers held that those who do not move towards heaven are also bound for hell.

Augustine of Hippo – Wikipedia 

Augustinian theology also places a great emphasis on the role of the church in salvation. They believe that salvation is entirely up to the church. It can't be just “my church” saving me since the Bible says that God himself is our rescue and help. God's help can come through our church alone. Those who leave the faith find themselves lost.

The Augustinian understanding of the trinity is deeply ingrained in many aspects of their beliefs. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate beings that proceed directly above the others in a triad of beings. The Father has the pre-eminence, being the creator of the universe and the head of the trinity. The Holy Spirit is the one that operates within the three Persons and is therefore the one with the greatest authority. This trinity model of God has caused an immense problem for some Catholics when trying to practice their faith.

One problem is that while the father is the highest authority, and the Holy Spirit is equal, the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, is considered to be higher than both Spirit and Father because he is the supreme pontiff. Since the Vatican is seen as the seat of the highest authority in the Catholic Church, those who follow this line of thought are considered non-Catholics by the Church. Because of this many have decided to no longer believe in the papacy and its infallibility claims. Others would prefer to not mention the name “Cardinal” in casual conversation.

However, there is an answer to the dilemma of those who do not believe in the Catholic Church. The Augustinian Theology suggests that there is a way to remain in the Catholic fold, but with the understanding that the church has become corrupt and it must be corrected. For those who believe in the infallible truths of the Catholic faith, it is simply a matter of making sure one attends Mass on Sundays and has been taught these teachings. While this solution may work for some, it may not work for others.

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